Announcement no. 83149343 for a local subsidy competition for media NGOs and networks on Promoting Regional Development on Media Agenda
1084 Accesări

German Development Cooperation through GIZ is announcing a local subsidy competition dedicated to media NGOs and networks on Promoting Regional Development on Media Agenda within the project "Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova".

The main goal of the task is to promote media coverage of regional development related subjects at local and national level


  • To increase knowledge of journalists on regional development
  • To increase visibility of regional development related subject through events and other public relations activities
  • To foster regional development institutions' capacities to interact with media representatives

Example of activities:

  • Roundtables, debates, press and discussion clubs
  • Syndicate articles, promotional articles
  • Site visits for journalists (i.e. regional development projects)
  • Media monitoring
  • Consultancy for communications staff of regional development institutions

Timeframe: 4-6 months

Example of eligible costs:

  • Expert days
  • Transport
  • Printing information materials

If any co-finance for the current proposal available, this would be appreciated and should be reflected in the budget.

A partnership statement with one or more regional development institutions would be an asset.

The proposal shall include:

1.   Filled in Application Form (attached)

2.   NGO or network profile:

  • Cover letter expressing the interest and motivation;
  • NGO or network description, including main domains of expertise (company CV);
  • Description of similar work performed during the last 2 years;
  • Proof of personnel qualification, showing the level of performance and professional skills in the area of expertise (personnel CVs or short profile);
  • Name, function, and contact data of the persons responsible for the application (name, position, telephone, fax, e-mail);
  • Copy of the company registration certificate and/or existing licenses;
  • Bank data, including bank name, bank code and bank account in MDL;
  • Certificate from local tax authority proving the lack of debts to the Government of the RM or copy of the latest financial report.

The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1.      Technical/professional capacity and previous experience of the applicant in the development of the works requested (70%);

2.      Total cost of the proposal (30%).

All proposals shall be prepared in English. Any materials or information, besides those requested herein will not be reviewed or taken into consideration. GIZ is entitled to address applicants individually for further clarifications and/or explanations on the offers received.

Proposals shall be delivered in original (in a sealed envelope, showing announcement number) not later than 6 August 2013, time 17:00 to the address: 31A Bulgara St., Chisinau, Moldova to the attention of Tatiana Dumbrava.

Contact person: Laura Bohanțova, tel: 022 222-470; e-mail:

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