Agenția de Dezvoltare Regională Senec-Pezinok, Slovacia
2160 Accesări

Regional Develpoment Agency Senec – Pezinok

Is an interest association of legal entities engaged in regional development since 2002 in regions of Podunajsko and Malokarpatsko. It is a member of an integrated network of regional development agencies established by the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of Slovak Republic.

The main mission of the Agency is to provide technical assistance for development of regional plans, strategies, projects and programs.

The RDA Senec – Pezinok also has the status of a fully mandated body for EU Twinning projects and acts as a unique Twinning umbrella.

Our activities

Regional Development Agency Senec - Pezinok provides:

  • Implementation of development projects and programs that will create conditions for investment in the Senec – Pezinok region, with emphasis on tourism development;
  • Support to entities in the region to acquire domestic and foreign grants;
  • Provides technical - economic studies and studies on tourism and structural funds;
  • Creates an information system and databases, organises trainings and exhibition for entrepreneurs in the region, presents the region at home and abroad, works with district labour offices in the field of active labour market policies.

Our members are:

  • Bratislava Self-Governing Region
  • City of Senec
  • City of Pezinok
  • Association of Towns and Villages of Podunajsko region
  • Bratislava Regional Chamber of SCCI
  • Slovak Chamber of Crafts, Bratislava region

Regional Development Agency Senec – Pezinok is from the beginning part of the Integrated network of regional development agencies, which is covered by the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic ( Currently, the network consists of 52 regional development agencies (

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