School for Political Leaders of Eastern Partnership - 2014
1201 Accesări

School for Leaders Association, Poland

in cooperation with

European Dialogue Society, Ukraine

Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy - Georgia Representation, Georgia

National Youth Council of Moldova - CNTM, Republic of Moldova

Positive Change movement, Azerbaijan

 is pleased to announce the launch of the II edition of the "School for Political Leaders of Eastern Partnership" programme.

The main aim of the project is to support the development of civil society in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan in the area of social capital building, essential in the process of democratic change,as well as to initiate long-term cooperation between organizations/institutions in the participating countries and in Poland.


 The project consists of two modules:

The first module will take place in Kyiv, Ukraine,27 July - 2 August 2014.

The second module will take place in Warsaw, Poland, 21-27September 2014.

Between two modules participants of the programme will create opinion-making initiatives related to thematic of the democratization processes in Eastern Partnership countries under the motto "Building a dialogue".

Each module will contain:

  • very intensive training sessions on leadership skills
  • discussions with the leaders
  • meetings with the representatives of public authorities
  • Oxford debates
  • workshops on democratization processes and political negotiations
  • international working groups on political issues in EP

Please, notice that the programme of the events will be very intensive (from 8 am till 10 pm).


Active public leaders aged 20-35 years from Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan, who are involved in policy-making or intend to be opinion-making leaders and are interested in the following topics:

• Reinforcement of their personal skills as leaders,

• Civic and political activity in the local communities,

• Development and popularization of the idea of the Eastern Partnership,

• Development of international cooperation with political and civic society leaders from other states in the region,

•Establishment of a network between the participants from different countries in the region.

Recruitment target groups:

1. Youth wings of political parties

2. Political institutes

3. Think tanks

4. Research and scientific institutes

5. Opinion-making journalists and media (including electronic media)

6. Non-governmental organizations involved in civic and political education


Working Language

The project will be held in ENGLISH!


Application forms consisting of:

-          please send using e-mail:


Please notice that

THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION FORM : 30 of MAY 2014, 00:00 (Central European time)

All candidates must apply using an on-line application form. We kindly ask you to remember to attach all the documents you are asked for in application form and send them by e-mail:


The selection process will consist of 2 stages:

1 - Pre-selection of the candidates based on application forms and sent documents, by 30th of May 2014.

2 - Skype-interviews with some of the preselected candidates (on the topic of motivation, experience, leadership skills of the candidate), by the 4st of June 2014. Skype-interviews will be used as an additional method of the requirement process in order to gain more information from the candidates if there is a such a need.

Selected participants will be informed by the 6 of June 2014. A waiting list may be drawn up.

The 24 participants will be selected on the basis of the profile outlined above by the committee including the project coordinator in Poland and the coordinator from the country of a participant.

The committee will try to ensure a geographical balance, gender balance, different types of experiences, cultural backgrounds, organizations and institutions.

Financial and practical conditions of participation

Throughout the School the participants will be in contact with their respective supervisors, also called Assistants. Assistants will be responsible for: communicating the programme of the School and plans for subsequent days to the participants, explaining any arising doubts, conducting evening meetings to sum up each day and for encouraging the participants to participate actively in study visits. In addition, the participants will have interpreter services at their disposal.

a) Travel expenses

Visa fees (on presentation of the relevant receipts) can be reimbursed. Only participants who have attended the entire programme can be reimbursed. A refund of up to 70-80 % will also be provided to cover travel expenses.

The organizers do not cover the costs of travel and accommodation related to the process of obtaining visas.

b) Accommodation

The organisers will cover the cost of participation in all modules of the school, as well as provide accommodation and boarding.

Contact details:

Elena Zhminko

School for Leaders Association, Poland                                                                                                                                    

tel. +48 22 556 82 62  

Local coordinators:

Azerbaijan - Narmin Rahimli,

Georgia - Irakli Kobalia, e-mail:

Republic of Moldova - Catalina Dumbraveanu, e-mail:

Ukraine - Olena Shynarovska, e-mail:

The project is co-financed by the "Support for Democracy" Polish development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.




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