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The route for the Chisinau MTP Straseni Calarasi was discussed during a working meeting
On June 29, a working meeting took place within the project "Water supply and sanitation in Moldova Center", with the participation of representatives of the project implementation unit and the design consultant.The main topics discussed were the coordination of the proposed route for the Chisinau-Straseni-Calarasi main transmission pipe following the technical codifications issued by the State Railway Moldova. The meeting analyzed in detail the sectors affected by the new water infrastructure and proposed the most feasible design options.The project "Improving
30.06.2021   4272 Views   
KfW virtual mission in the Republic of Moldova
RDA Center as the Implementation Unit of the project "Improvement of water infrastructure in Central Moldova" financed by the German Federal Government through the development bank KfW attended on 25.05.2021, the first round of virtual meetings aimed to monitor the progress in the implementation of ongoing projects under German financial cooperation.The monitoring mission is composed of: Ms Marie-Christin Scholl-Jank - Portfolio Manager for Urban and Regional Development in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, KfW, Head of Mission, Mr Michael Pucher-
26.05.2021   3798 Views   
The signing of the separate Agreement KfW - RDA Center
Following the signing of financial and grant agreements worth 10 million euros on January 12, 2021, in the project funded by the German Government through KfW, Water supply and sanitation in Moldova Center, RDA Center, as the project executing agency of the project recently signed the separate Agreement with the German Bank KfW.The signed agreement ensures the continuity of the project by initiating phase II of the program and implementing support and consultancy measures aimed at the institutional development of
21.04.2021   3223 Views   
International partners have discussed with the Minister of Regional Development and Construction, Vasile Bitca about promoting regional development initiatives
International development partners met in a working session with Minister Vasile Bitca, Deputy Minister Anatol Usatii and specialists of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) where they discussed the possibilities of cooperation in regional development and the importance of cooperation with local authorities and their involvement in the implementation of projects.During the discussions, international partners mentioned the benefits of synergy of efforts, development programmes and funds that would allow foreign assistance effectiveness. However, they appreciated the cooperation with
21.09.2015   1921 Views   
Six accountants from RDAs attended a seminar on the use of new National Accounting Standards
On 28 July 2015 in Chisinau was organized a training workshop for six accountants from Regional Development Agency (RDA) on ‘Application of the new National Accounting Standards. Normative framework and practical aspects’.
30.07.2015   5344 Views   
In the Centre Region continues the capacity development of economic operators
On 6 July 2015, in Ialoveni was held a seminar on ‘Public procurement - private sector opportunities through optimization and association’, organized for representatives of the private sector from the center of the country.
06.07.2015   4898 Views   
Energy management in public buildings - a priority for public institutions in Centre Region
In Ialoveni, was organized a round table entitled ‘Energy management in public buildings - path towards a sustainable development’.
17.06.2015   5681 Views   
It was held the meeting of the Steering Committee of ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’ project
Today, 8 May 2015, was held the meeting of the Steering Committee of 'Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova' project for the reporting period: October 2014-March 2015. At the meeting were presented the activities planned for April - June 2015.
11.05.2015   4684 Views   
The 6th Energy Efficiency Workshop was held in the Centre Region
Today, Chisinau hosted the 6th meeting of the Regional Sector Working Group (RSWG) on the implementation of the Regional Sector Programme (RSP) for Energy Efficiency (EE) in public buildings and the evaluation of Possible Project Concepts (PPCs).
29.04.2015   4847 Views   
CDR is working on drafting feasibility studies for five projects in water supply and sanitation sector
From 26 March to 22 April this year, representatives of Centre Regional Development Agency (Centre RDA) and experts from the project 'Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova' (MLPS), managed by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, undertook a series of visits to the five prioritized projects.
24.04.2015   4869 Views   
Journalists inspect regional development projects
A group of journalists from TV channels: Moldova 1, Canal Regional and Aici TV / Elita TV, and Radio Moldova and Radio Chisinau, visited on 22 April, a few places where are implemented projects of Centre Regional Development Agency. Journalists discussed with project's beneficiaries, but also to those who made it possible for them to be implemented.
23.04.2015   6748 Views   
Local Steering Committee members in the solid waste management sector in Soldanesti and Rezina rayons gathered in a meeting
In Soldanesti took place the meeting of Local Steering Committee (LSC) in the Solid Waste Management sector (SWM) for Soldanesti and Rezina rayons from Centre Region.Local project manager, Aliona Tinica, presented to the LSC members the progress report of the Modernization of the Local Public Services Project in SWM for the first quarter of this year.
06.04.2015   4497 Views   
‚Building the future at home’ is the slogan of the first national communication campaign on regional development
On 1 April 2015, the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) and Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) launched the communication campaign on regional development ‚Building the future at home'.
01.04.2015   5030 Views   
GIZ supports the regional marketing training of its partners involved in modernizing regional development curricula
From 22 to 28 March 2015, a delegation of 13 representatives of regional development institutions and academia participated in a training entitled 'Regional Marketing - a Regional Development Tool' held in southern Bavaria, Germany.
30.03.2015   3432 Views   
Centre Regional Development Agency has signed Cooperation Agreements with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Orhei and Hincesti
It was held the fourth meeting of the Regional Working Group (RWG) which was attended by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Chisinau, Orhei and Hînceşti, Centre RDA specialists, GIZ advisors and an international expert.
26.03.2015   4250 Views   
GRANTS PROGRAMME (GP-2013): Confidence Building Measures.
GRANTS PROGRAMME (GP-2013): Confidence Building Measures.
18.10.2012   5429 Views   
Moldovan Producers Participate in World Food Moscow 2012 Under a Common Logo
Moldovan Producers Participate in World Food Moscow 2012 Under a Common Logo
17.10.2012   4237 Views   
Information center for Local Public Administration will be opened in Ialoveni Town.
Information center for Local Public Administration will be opened in Ialoveni Town.
16.10.2012   5172 Views   
70 mayors from the districts of Soldănești, Florești and Rezina signed an agreement of inter-regional cooperation for joint provision of services for waste management
70 mayors from the districts of Soldănești, Florești and Rezina signed an agreement of inter-regional cooperation for joint provision of services for waste management
12.10.2012   2671 Views   
Exchange of regional development experience in Estonia
Exchange of regional development experience in Estonia
28.05.2012   5363 Views   
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