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Local Steering Committee members in the solid waste management sector in Soldanesti and Rezina rayons gathered in a meeting

06.04.2015   4496 Views  

In Soldanesti took place the meeting of Local Steering Committee (LSC) in the Solid Waste Management sector (SWM) for Soldanesti and Rezina rayons from Centre Region.

Local project manager, Aliona Tinica, presented to the LSC members the progress report of the Modernization of the Local Public Services Project in SWM for the first quarter of this year.

The Committee's members discussed the current situation with regard to the development of socio-economic development strategy, solid waste management chapter of Rezina rayon.

Mihai Ioncu, director of JSC 'Soldanesti Sanitation', spoke about the situation regarding the provision and monitoring of entering in the social capital of JSC of cash contribution by the founders of Joint Stock Company.

At that time, the State Ecological Inspection Soldanesti presented to LSC colleagues the joint action plan for consistent use by citizens of SWM service.

Those present discussed the work plan on updating local development plans for SWM Chapter in Soldanesti rayon. Here, the representative of Centre RDA, and GIZ experts have come up with recommendations for effective collaboration to achieve the expected results.

At the end of the meeting, Valeriu Rusu, President of NGO 'Habitat' informed the members of the Committee about the results of the citizens' information campaign in Soldanesti and Rezina rayons.

The meeting was attended by Sergiu Cecan, Head of Relations with regional development institutions Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Eduard Ungureanu, Head of Project management Section within the Centre RDA, committee's members, and representatives of the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.

Establishing meeting of the Local Steering Committee (LSC) in the Solid Waste Management (SWM) sector for Soldanesti and Rezina rayons, was held on 26 February of this year.