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CDR is working on drafting feasibility studies for five projects in water supply and sanitation sector

24.04.2015   4866 Views  

From 26 March to 22 April this year, representatives of Centre Regional Development Agency (Centre RDA) and experts from the project 'Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova' (MLPS), managed by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, undertook a series of visits to the five prioritized projects. We would like to remind that under the Regional Sector Programme (RSP), water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector, Inter-ministerial Commission responsible for WSS selected, on 11 February 2015, 5 viable project concepts out of the 12 originally accepted possible project concepts. 

In the Centre Development Region, the 5 viable project concepts are:

  • Straseni: Improvement and extension of water supply and sanitation services in Straseni town;
  • Ialoveni: Improving Water Supply Services in Ialoveni rayon.
  • Hânceşti: Reconstruction and modernization of sanitation system in Hincesti rayon
  • Ungheni: Improving water and sanitation services in Ungheni town, Zagarancea village, Semeni village and Petresti village
  • Calarasi: Improvement and extension of water and sanitation services in Calarasi rayon.

Expert visits were initiated with the aim of the meeting of the Working Group on each project and collecting information for drafting feasibility studies for viable project concepts.

Project concepts were developed with support from the Swedish Government and the European Union.