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International partners have discussed with the Minister of Regional Development and Construction, Vasile Bitca about promoting regional development initiatives

21.09.2015   1974 Views  

International development partners met in a working session with Minister Vasile Bitca, Deputy Minister Anatol Usatii and specialists of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) where they discussed the possibilities of cooperation in regional development and the importance of cooperation with local authorities and their involvement in the implementation of projects.

During the discussions, international partners mentioned the benefits of synergy of efforts, development programmes and funds that would allow foreign assistance effectiveness. However, they appreciated the cooperation with MRDC and the effectiveness and impact of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in the implementation of regional development projects.

Philipp Johannsen, Country director and project manager of German Development Cooperation through GIZ in the Republic of Moldova, stressed the need to continue projects initiated in partnership with MRDC and the importance of cooperation in regional development. Henrik Huitfeldt, Head of Development Cooperation Department of the Embassy of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova reaffirmed Sweden's readiness to further support initiatives in regional development projects. Simone Giger, Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in the Republic of Moldova stated the willingness to promote dialogue with other institutions and strengthen the efforts in supporting projects in water supply and sanitation.

In turn, Minister Vasile Bitca thanked the international partners for the support and assistance they provide for MRDC and noted that such meetings 'are some effective discussions platforms for prioritizing and coordinating future actions'.

At the same time, international partners were interested in the progress on drafting the National Regional Development (NRDS) 2020 and the involvement of other institutions in this process. Minister Vasile Bitca said that the drafting of this document was made possible through the support of international partners, and the involvement of other ministries. A special topic on the agenda was the creation of the Regional Development Agency in ATU Gagauzia. According to those present at the talks, the institutionalization of RDA Gagauzia was initiated. Soon there will be started a region-wide analysis of assistance and initiated a process to strengthen the efforts on capacity development of RDA Gagauzia and cooperation with other RDAs in the country.