Solicitare de cereri de oferte pentru elaborarea analizei diagnostic pentru companii de prestare servicii
3739 Accesări


Biroul de Cooperare Tehnică al Germaniei (GTZ) din Republica Moldova, angajează o companie de consultanta sau grupuri de experți cu scopul de a efectua analiza diagnostic a trei intreprinderi municipale din trei regiuni diferite ale R. Moldova (Cahul, Riscani, Soldanesti). Termeni de referinta pentru acest contract (in limba engleza) se anexeaza.

Toate organizatiile care sunt cointeresate de a fi angajate pentru executarea acestui contract, sunt invitate sa prezinte urmatoarele documente:


  • Oferta tehnică, care va include
    • Descrierea și justificarea metodelor de cercetare și planul de acțiuni
    • Profilul companiei
    • CV-urile experților


  • Oferta financiară - bugetul activității, inclusiv onorarii.


Pot participa companii de consultanță sau grupuri de experți (in cazul grupurilor de experți profilul companiei nu se prezinta).


Ofertele vor fi prezentate pentru fiecare intreprindere municipala separat.


Ofertele vor fi prezentate pina la data de 10 ianuarie 2011, ora 17.00, la adresa: str. Bulgară 31A, oficiul GTZ, Proiectul "Modernizarea serviciilor comunale în Republica Moldova".


Detalii suplimentare pot fi solicitate de la Tatiana Bilba, tel. 022 860588, fax 860839, e-mail [email protected]



Term of Reference for a short term consultancy

"Diagnostic Analysis and Training Needs Assessment of Local Service Providers

in the Republic of Moldova" 




1.            Short info about the Project


The German Agency for Technical Cooperation, GTZ, has been assigned by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ, to support selected Moldovan towns and villages through the Modernization of Local Public Services Project.



2.            Context


Within its mandate, in the frames of the call of proposals for regional development projects announced by the National Fund for Regional Development in May-June 2010 the Project identified a number of potential project proposals to support, aimed at improving local public services.


Three of the pilot projects are in the areas of water supply, wastewater treatment and solid waste management. Currently the necessary documents are being prepared to launch the tender processes for these infrastructure projects.

Apart from physical works an acquisitions of equipment there are various capacity building measures planned for all the stakeholders in the respective areas.


A key challenge are the limited resources and capacities of the service providers in terms of technical, organizational as well as business management aspects.

It is therefore necessary to design adequate capacity development measures to enable these communal companies to fulfill their tasks and offer the respective services in a more efficient and effective manner.


In order to do that it is deemed necessary to conduct profound analysis of these companies in terms of


§  organizational and management structure,

§  human resources, including personnel structure, job descriptons and staff development,

§  the technical capacities and assests,

§  the commercial situation in term of market, distributution and pricing,

§  the financial state, in cluding assests, costs and debts analysis, operating capital and inventories.


This analsysis shall be conducted by a specialized company in cooperation with a technical specialist, for water/sanitation and/or solid waste management.


Based on this to this diagnostic analysis a comprehensive set of recommendations for each respective company shall be elaborated, with a focus on the assessed capacity development gaps and training needs of the respective service providers.



3.            Key activities and technical assistance provided under these terms of reference.


The consulting company shall undertake analysis of the following companies:

1.    Municipal Enterprise "Apă Canal Cahul"

2.    Municipal Enterprise "Apă Canal Costesti"

3.    Municipal Enterprise "Regia Apa Soldanesti"


Analysis should include the following areas:


- Financial analysis of:

o   Current financial situation

o   Financial management

o   Forecasting and budgeting

o   Tariff policy

o   Billing and payment collection


- Technical analysis of:

o   Management and maintenance of water supply and sewage systems

o   Management and maintenace of waste administration system

o   Compliance with the technical norms for water supply system and sanitation

o   Compliance with the technical norms for waste administration

o   Needed technical improvements


- Management analysis of:

o   Internal regulations

o   Planning

o   Public relations

o   Human resources

o   Managerial capacities


- Training needs assessment of:

o   Management staff (including accounting department)

o   Technical staff

o   Beneficiaries



4.            Expected Results:


-       Written diagnostic analisys of the specified companies in Romanian

-       Recommendations for improving the overall activity of the examined companies in Romanian

-       Presentation of the key findings and recommended activities during 3 workshops organized for specialised service providers in the respective rayons (Cahul, Riscani, Soldanesti) based on the example of the examined companies.


5.            Time frame


January 15 - March 30, 2011.




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