70 mayors from the districts of Soldănești, Florești and Rezina signed an agreement of inter-regional cooperation for joint provision of services for waste management

70 mayors from the districts of Soldănești, Florești and Rezina signed an agreement of inter-regional cooperation for joint provision of services for waste management

From August-Septembrie 2012 mayors from Șoldănști, Florești and Rezina signed an agreement of inter-regional cooperation for joint provision of services for waste management.

On 11 Octombrie, was held the first inter-regional local working group meeting. The event involved activities necessary for the identification of the most effective legal, institutional, financial and techincal methods for creating waste management structures.

This inter-regional  cooperation for provision of services for waste management will lead to performance improvement in various areas. For the micro-region of Șoldănești, Florești and Rezina will be implemented  a pilot project for solid waste   management, supported by GIZ. This initiative represents an example of cooperation beyond regional borders. The Center Regional Development Agency (Șoldănești and Rezina) and North (Florești) will ensure smooth running of the project.

A common system for solid waste management will benefit the population of the three districts, approximately 200 000 inhabitants. A sanitary depot will be built in Șoldănești, 2 recycling centers in Florești and Rezina respectively and 2 transfer stations in Florești. At this stage, are prepared documents for purchase of necessary equipments.

Also, GIZ support the  public administrations in extending and modernizing local public services in 2 other areas: energy efficiency and water and sanitation. GIZ projects support is provided through Regional Development Agencies. The project assists the program in regional planning.

The „ Modernisation of local public services in the Republic of Moldova” is implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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