‚Building the future at home’ is the slogan of the first national communication campaign on regional development

On 1 April 2015, the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) and Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) launched the communication campaign on regional development ‚Building the future at home'. The campaign is carried out with the support of the German Government and the European Union, provided through the project ‚Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova', implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.

Thus, during 2 months, 4 TV channels and 2 radio channels will run spots reporting on how regional development projects have succeed to improve the quality of life. Thus, in the period 2011-2014 was invested nearly MDL 736 million, both from the National Fund for Regional Development and from external sources.

Spots rely on dialogue between characters - ordinary people - as well as images of real regional development projects with tangible results: creation of sanitation services, construction of water pipes and drinking water supply, rehabilitation of sites with touristic potential, etc.

'Through this campaign, we want citizens to realize that their personal involvement is needed for regional development projects to have a chance of success', said the Minister of Regional Development and Construction, Vasile Bîtca.

'I am delighted that such a good communication takes place and is possible to visualize regional development's contribution to improved quality of life. It is important that citizens realize that namely local cooperation can bring prosperity. It requires local authorities to cooperate in order to provide quality public services', says EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Pirkka Tapiola

The 3 video and 3 audio spots of the campaign, produced by the Youth Media Center can be accessed on the Youtube channel of MRDC and on the institutional site of MRDC, , Regional Development Agencies, , , , and GIZ project - .

Besides spots, there were developed banners summarizing achievements in regional development, by development region (North, Centre and South) and priorities:

1. Rehabilitation of physical infrastructure: water and sanitation, roads

2. Improving environment and tourist attraction

3. Diversifying the economy and support for private sector development: business incubators, free economic zones, industrial parks.

Also in 2015, MRDC will adopt and implement a Public Communication Strategy, developed with GIZ support. The development partner also supports the training of regional development officials in internal and external communication. However, communicators from MRDC and RDAs benefit from advice, thematic workshops and study visits. With the support provided by the Government of Sweden, a communications advisor for MRDC was hired.

The 'Modernization of Local Public Services in Moldova' project is implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, with financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Union.

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