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Agricultural Investors Guide Now Available in Romanian

14.05.2012   4505 Views  

The Road Map for Investors in Moldovan High Value Agriculture (HVA), which was recently published in English by the Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (ACED), funded by the United States Government, has been translated into Romanian and is now available for release to all interested parties.

The guide outlines the most essential steps in establishing and operating an agribusiness in Moldova, such as company registration and licensing, staffing and related labor laws, and acquiring needed financial and operating inputs. In addition, it offers strategic guidance to local and foreign companies and individuals looking to invest in Moldova’s HVA sector (fruits, vegetables, and table grapes) and it highlights a number of key steps in dealing with Moldova’s public authorities throughout the investment process.        

This guide has been developed by the consulting firm BIS under contract with ACED in September – December 2011 and aims to attract both domestic and foreign investors into Moldovan HVA. It can be downloaded in PDF format from the ACED website (www.aced.md) in English or/and Romanian, or released by electronic mail ([email protected]), or obtained as a free of charge copy at the ACED Office in Chișinău (Kentford Building, 3rd floor).

This guide is not intended to offer specific legal advice to potential investors and any of the procedures, regulations and fee schedules cited herein are subject to change without notice. ACED will endeavor to keep this guide up-to-date with modifications to its on-line version which is always available electronically. ACED aims to maintain this information as current as possible though continuous updating of the material presented. 

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ACED is a program jointly funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) aimed at expanding and improving high value agriculture production and marketing in Moldova. The ACED program covers four areas of activity that are implemented in partnership with local service providers: developing linkages between Moldovan producers and local and international buyers; providing training for Moldovan producers to help them meet the requirements of international buyers and local supermarket chains; technical assistance in management, post-harvest handling, planning, marketing, and other areas to value chain enterprises; strengthening the business environment by enhancing the government’s phytosanitary inspection and certification capacity and facilitating targeted policy change to encourage investment in high value agriculture.

Please quote the source in your reporting and refer all enquiries to ACED. For more information contact Aurel Stratan, ACED Communication Specialist, Development Alternatives, Inc. Tel: (+373-22) 595265; Mob: 069275843 || 079032674, email: [email protected]